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Long Time Listener Helps WBUR Plan for the Future

Long Time Listener Helps WBUR Plan for the Future

Every day when Phyllis Simpkins gets in her car, she tunes her radio to 90.9 FM - WBUR. It's part of a routine she started over 20 years ago while commuting to work. And though she is now retired, she still listens daily.

In fact, Phyllis is more than an avid listener. She is an ardent supporter who wants to see WBUR flourish into the future, and that's why she decided to make WBUR a part of her legacy. "It's important that WBUR continues to educate people on the issues facing the world today - from the environment to international affairs to health care."

Growing up, the Simpkins family was involved in social action and community work. Those lessons stayed with Phyllis, and throughout her life she has supported organizations close to her heart. When it came time to prepare her estate plan, the decision to include WBUR came easy.

"I am doing my small part to ensure the station will have the resources necessary to provide programming to future generations."

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